Clinton Martin

Clinton Martin

Welcome Driver


Clinton’s professional journey is distinguished by a unique trajectory, evolving from youth incarceration to adulthood with a commitment to community service. His fervent dedication to societal betterment began within prison, where he founded the San Quentin Diabetes Program. Post-release, Clinton remains actively involved, notably as a volunteer youth mentor at Restorative Justice for Oakland Youth (RJOY) in the “Black Male Circle.” Additionally, he played a pivotal role as one of Bonafide’s inaugural welcome home drivers at San Quentin, finding genuine joy in facilitating positive transitions for others.

Clinton’s narrative reflects resilience and an unwavering commitment to community welfare, illustrating the transformative power of redemption. His diverse engagements underscore the importance of mentorship and community support in catalyzing positive change, portraying a story of personal growth and meaningful societal contribution within the justice-impacted community.